Christian Nationalism Is The Only Nationalism For Us
Table of Contents
What Is Nationalism?
Nationalism is love, loyalty and devotion to one’s own nation; prioritizing it over other nations.
To whatever nation is your homeland, that is the nation that you care about the most, as a nationalist.
Moreover, nationalists don’t wish that their nation puts the culture and interests of other nations before their own.
For most people that have basic human reasoning, this makes sense.
You normally wouldn’t love someone’s parents, children, family or friends above your own.
And nobody would make you feel weird about that correct ordering of love.
Likewise, nobody should make you feel weird about loving your nation above others.
However, this Clown World shames us for loving the things most dear to us more than everything else.
We should love our own country more than others.
It is right and just, in the same sense that you should love your friends and family more.
Thus, nationalism is a good thing, as long as has a correct order of things.
And in this article, I will go over how nationalism is rightly ordered for a Christian.

On Fascism
Fascism is an extreme nationalism. A fascist state is one where the state has supreme power.
The fascist state controls all political, economic, and social functions of the state, and limits liberties to only what the state deems essential.
In Mussolini’s own words:
The Fascist State organizes the nation, but it leaves the individual adequate elbow room. It has curtailed useless or harmful liberties while preserving those which are essential. In such matters the individual cannot be the judge, but the State only.
The Doctrine of Fascism
This sounds good if Joe Biden and the Democrats aren’t running things (and forcing us to accept anti-Christian degeneracy and crime, while redistributing our wealth, releasing prisoners without bail and taking away our guns).
Thankfully, the fascist state is at least Catholic:
The Fascist State is not indifferent to religious phenomena in general nor does it maintain an attitude of indifference to Roman Catholicism, the special, positive religion of Italians. The State has not got a theology but it has a moral code. The Fascist State sees in religion one of the deepest of spiritual manifestations and for this reason it not only respects religion but defends and protects it. The Fascist State does not attempt, as did Robespierre at the height of the revolutionary delirium of the Convention, to set up a “god” of its own; nor does it vainly seek, as does Bolshevism, to efface God from the soul of man. Fascism respects the God of ascetics, saints, and heroes, and it also respects God as conceived by the ingenuous and primitive heart of the people, the God to whom their prayers are raised.
It sounds like this would be the ideal Catholic State then. Alas, there is a problem.
In Non Abbiamo Bisogno, Pope Pius XI writes, regarding Italian Fascism:
And here We find Ourselves confronted by a mass of authentic affirmations and no less authentic facts which reveal beyond the slightest possibility of doubt the resolve (already in great measure actually put into effect) to monopolize completely the young, from their tenderest years up to manhood and womanhood, for the exclusive advantage of a party and of a regime based on an ideology which clearly resolves itself into a true, a real pagan worship of the State – the “Statolatry” which is no less in contrast with the natural rights of the family than it is in contradiction with the supernatural rights of the Church. To propose and to promote such a monopoly to persecute for this reason Catholic Action, as has been done for some time more or less openly or under cover to reach this end by striking at the Catholic Association of Youth as has lately been done; all this is truly and literally to “forbid the little children to go to Jesus Christ,” since it impedes their access to His Church and where His Church is, there is Jesus Christ. This usurpation goes so far as to snatch the young from Christ and His Church even with violence.
A conception of the State which makes the rising generations belong to it entirely, without any exception, from the tenderest years up to adult life, cannot be reconciled by a Catholic either with Catholic doctrine or with the natural rights of the family. It is not possible for a Catholic to accept the claim that the Church and the Pope must limit themselves to the external practices of religion (such as Mass and the Sacraments), and that all the rest of education belongs to the State.
You ask us, Venerable Brethren, in view of what has taken place, what is to be thought about the formula of the oath, which even little boys and girls are obliged to take, that they will execute orders without discussion from an authority which, as we have seen and experienced, can give orders against all truth and justice and in disregard of the rights of the Church and its souls, which are already by their very nature sacred and inviolable. Takers of this oath must swear to serve with all their strength, even to the shedding of blood, the cause of a revolution which snatches the young from the Church and from Jesus Christ, and which inculcates in its own young people hatred, violence and irreverence without respecting (as recent occurrences have superabundantly proved) even the person of the Pope.
…When the question is posed in such terms, the answer from the Catholic point of view, as well as from a simply human point of view, is inevitably only one, and We, Venerable Brethren, do not wish to do otherwise than confirm the answer already given. Such an oath, as it stands, is unlawful.
Non Abbiamo Bisogno
Thus, the problem is that a fascist state makes an idol of the state. This is unacceptable to Catholics.
God is whom we worship. Even the heads of the state should bend the knee to Our Lord.
The state also cannot compete with the Church in authority, nor can it promote violent and hateful means in pursuit of national interests.
Therefore, the Catholic State cannot accept the ideas of state supremacy, especially over God and the Church.

On White Nationalism
Racial nationalism is the idea that race should form the national identity.
White nationalism is a form of racial nationalism.
White nationalism is becoming a very popular form of nationalism in Western countries as part of a reactionary conservatism trend.
Why? You ask. Well, have you consumed mainstream media lately or taken classes in a university?
It is undoubtedly the case that Clown World has made it a sin to be a white person (and a man, for that matter).
Moreover, equity is pushed in order for white people to take a back seat in the countries they historically built.
Unfortunately, it is the case that many go along with it. White guilt is a real thing!
However, with every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, and many whites are getting angry.
I understand it; As a white man, I find myself disenchanted with the civilization my forefathers built that has turned against the race of its creators.
This Clown World has usurped our former glorious civilization, tears down the statues of our forefathers, and seeks to replace us.
They release non-white criminals without bail, take away our guns (to defend ourselves) and take our money and give it to non-whites.
And if we complain, then we are shamed, fired, cancelled and labelled as the hateful bad guys.
However, with as much as I sympathize with the white nationalist position, I unfortunately think it has a big weakness:
The Catholic Church condemns it.
In Mit Brennender Sorge, Pope Pius XI writes:
Whoever exalts race, or the people, or the State, or a particular form of State, or the depositories of power, or any other fundamental value of the human community – however necessary and honorable be their function in worldly things – whoever raises these notions above their standard value and divinizes them to an idolatrous level, distorts and perverts an order of the world planned and created by God; he is far from the true faith in God and from the concept of life which that faith upholds.
None but superficial minds could stumble into concepts of a national God, of a national religion; or attempt to lock within the frontiers of a single people, within the narrow limits of a single race, God, the Creator of the universe, King and Legislator of all nations before whose immensity they are “as a drop of a bucket” (Isaiah xI, 15).
Mit Brennender Sorge
Moreover, his successor, Pope Pius XII writes:
Among the many errors which derive from the poisoned source of religious and moral agnosticism, We would draw your attention, Venerable Brethren, to two in particular, as being those which more than others render almost impossible or at least precarious and uncertain, the peaceful intercourse of peoples.
…The first of these pernicious errors, widespread today, is the forgetfulness of that law of human solidarity and charity which is dictated and imposed by our common origin and by the equality of rational nature in all men, to whatever people they belong, and by the redeeming Sacrifice offered by Jesus Christ on the Altar of the Cross to His Heavenly Father on behalf of sinful mankind.
But there is yet another error no less pernicious to the well-being of the nations and to the prosperity of that great human society which gathers together and embraces within its confines all races. It is the error contained in those ideas which do not hesitate to divorce civil authority from every kind of dependence upon the Supreme Being – First Source and absolute Master of man and of society – and from every restraint of a Higher Law derived from God as from its First Source. Thus they accord the civil authority an unrestricted field of action that is at the mercy of the changeful tide of human will, or of the dictates of casual historical claims, and of the interests of a few.
Summi Pontificatus
Therefore, as Catholics we cannot make an idol of a race or state.
Fascism and white nationalism are just out of the question for a Catholic State.

MAGA, Trumpism, And America First
I just want to briefly touch on the MAGA movement, which we can probably call Trump Nationalism or Trumpism.
The talk that comes from Trump and his supporters about putting America first is essentially just vanilla nationalism.
Like I said at the beginning of this article, we should put our country first and love it more than others.
(This isn’t to say that we should hate or bring unnecessary suffering to other countries).
There is nothing wrong with Americans putting America before other countries.
However, the problem I see with Trumpism is that many are making an idol out of Donald Trump.
Donald Trump is a flawed man. He is not a God-man, like Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Remember, Trump cannot save us from evil; only Jesus can.
Trump only has the power that God gives him, and can do nothing without God’s blessing.
Therefore, let’s not make an idol out of Trump. Trump is better than Biden, but he is no Messiah.

Christian Nationalism Is The Answer
In the preceding sections I illustrated the problems with other forms of nationalism:
They make idols of something other than God.
As Christians, we know that nothing can come before God (Exodus 20:3).
Thus, a rightly ordered form of nationalism has to put God first.
The King of the Universe, Jesus Christ, has to be on top, along with the Heavenly Father and the Holy Ghost, of course!
We do know that Christ’s Kingdom is not of this world (John 18:36).
However, He is still Our King, so we must keep His Commandments (John 14:15) and obey His Vicar (John 21:15-17) that runs the Church He instituted (Matthew 16:18-19).
Therefore, the Christian State has to be subordinate to God, His Vicar and His Church.
So we must adhere to a form of nationalism where Catholicism forms the national identity of the state.
We must also remember that the Catholic Church is universal and that our state is particular.
Remember, Our Lord commanded us to convert ALL nations (Matthew 28:19).
We can love our state and people more than others, but we cannot love our state to the detriment of outsiders.
This doesn’t mean that we have to open the borders for all to come in or outsource all of our manufacturing.
No. We still have the obligation as stewards of our own nation to put our interests first.
However, putting our country or people first should never become idolotrous.
Let’s be honest about what we really don’t like about what these globohomo people push:
They push sodomy, genderbenderism, sexual deviancy, pornography, contraception, masturbation, feminism, divorce, abortion, usury, wealth redistribution, non-Christian religions, blasphemy, and hatred of men of European heritage.
Most of these things are in stark contrast to Catholic teaching, except their hatred of white men.
Why do they hate white men so much? Because European men were Catholic.
So it’s not that these servants of Satan hate us, as much as they hate He to whom we belong: Christ.
Thus, the answer is not to create a state based upon our race or heritage, but rather to create a state based upon what helped us build Western Civilization: Christ.
And once we build a state based on Christ, even though it will be imperfect because of our own concupiscence, it will be the best kind of state that can be built by man – Because we will have God with us.
Deus vult!

This article is probably the most controversial article I have written, when it comes to the people that actually like my writings.
I think this is because people think I am taking a hard anti-fascist or anti-white nationalist position.
Let me clarify: This isn’t the case. I am critiquing the parts of those ideologies that go too far. That’s all.
There is nothing anti-Catholic about a form of fascism that puts God first, allows the Church to control the sphere of religion, and condemns hatred and unjust violence.
Likewise, there is nothing wrong with the existence of ethnostates, even a white ethnostate.
Several ethnostates already exist: Israel for the Jews, India for Hindus, Saudi Arabia for Muslim Arabs, China for Chinese, etc.
If non-white ethnostates have a right to exist, then so do white ones.
Thus, European-centric states have every right to preserve their ethnic nationalities, just as long as Christ is put first (where He belongs) and all other ethnicities are treated with love, and given due respect as persons with equal dignity under God, and not treated as subhuman because of their differences.
That being said, this site is about The Catholic State and how to have a State with socio-political-economic policy based around Catholic teachings.
And all articles here will reflect a nationalism and State that puts Christ first.
God bless!