
Epiphany Meditation


Epiphany Meditation

What a spectacle it must have been in Bethlehem: as silk-clad men on dromedaries presented frankincense to the unconsumed Burning Bush (Maria) and her Son, Who, in the most innocent laughter, finally revealed Himself to the Aryan seekers.

“We have seen His star in the East, and are come to adore Him” (S. Matt. ii, 2).

For it’s the Quest- NOT brutish Conquest- that ennobles the Aryan soul.  Fully integrated, he reads the Book of Nature with a Logos-centered lens.  Simultaneously grounded on Earth and aspiring “ad astra”, he presses on- always- toward New Horizons.  He seeks not to subdue men, but to lead them: to the Incarnate Christ.

The Aryan didn’t have the fortune of hearing the Prophets among his brothers, but he recognized at once the flickering fingerprint of God on the celestial globe, and followed it in “adsum” obedience.

But King Herod “was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him” (S. Matt. ii, 3).

The Herodian rabbis, blinded as they were by cabalistic sorcery, couldn’t see what to the Magi appeared so obvious.  Most foul Deceivers, then and now, they soon thirsted for the blood of Holy Innocents- their favorite M.O.- votaries as they are of Moloch.

While the Magi obeyed the Angels in their dreams, Herod’s rabbis continued to intone “angelic” names and draft their nonsensical charts, for they had forgotten the very Name of God amidst the esotericism they had learned in Babylon.

No matter.  The Magi trekked on to Bethlehem, surely receiving hospitality from the very few saints left among the old Israel, and crowned our King on behalf of all Nations.

Here is a Great Mystery: The first evangelization to the Nations was Maria welcoming the Magi.

Having returned to their country by another way (S. Matt. ii, 12), they became the proto-Evangelists of the East.  And at their deaths, whether as martyrs or confessors God knows, their bones would return to the West, first to Milan in the 4th century- and thence to Cologne under the standard of Frederick Barbarossa- to rest in the most magnificent Medieval reliquary ever constructed in Das Mutterland.

May the intercession of those Holy Aryans whose initials we chalk upon our doors make our domestic churches a fitting abode for the Word made Flesh, Whom they came to adore.


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