“Gender” Is Actually Not Even Real
Table of Contents
“Gender” Is Just Gobbledegook
“Gender” is not real. It’s a lie, and most of us believe this lie. Please God, wake us up from this nightmare!
What is with this “transgender” thing anyways!? It has especially gotten crazy the past couple of weeks.
“Rachel” Levine was made “Woman of the Year” by USA Today, even though he is clearly a man.
Twitter even banned Babylon Bee for rightfully calling Levine “Man of the Year.”
Twitter also banned Charlie Kirk for rightfully calling Levine a man.
And then Twitter banned Tucker Carlson for just tweeting screenshots of both Babylon Bee’s and Charlie Kirk’s tweets!
Does this look like a woman!?

Moreover, a mentally ill man that thinks he is a woman is dominating women’s swimming.
Does this look like a woman!?

But it’s okay now, apparently, because he got beaten by a mentally ill woman that thinks she is a man.
Does this look like a man!?

She obviously had her breasts removed and hormone therapy, but she still looks rather feminine to me…
And to top it off the Supreme Court Justice nominee says she is “not a biologist” when asked to define a woman!
Just look at the confusion!

So do we really want her to be a Supreme Court Justice!?
My response to this “transgender” nonsense is that it is built on the lie that “gender” even exists at all!
Historically, linguistics has applied the term “gender” for different categories of nouns, in some languages.
And now we apply the term “gender” to people. So how did this happen?
And what is the Christian perspective on this?
Before we get to that, let’s go over all the facts regarding the “transgender” nonsense.
“Gender” Benders Aren’t Alright
“Transgenders” (which I will refer to as “‘gender’ benders” moving forward) are becoming increasingly more common in society because of this “gender confusion.”
I will rehash some of the statistics from my recent article on the GayQ because they are relevant here.
They Are Coming For Your Children
The increase in “gender” bender characters in children’s shows has skyrocketed in the past 2 decades:

And along with that came an increase of “gender” bending amongst the children:

Moreover, they are pushing “gender reassignment” on children.
And when some parents rightfully refuse the parents are being charged with abuse!
Can you imagine how depraved these lawmakers are!?
Children pretend to be a lot of things. I pretended to be a Ninja Turtle when I was a kid.
I cannot imagine the horror of the government trying to force my parent to transition me into a turtle!
That would be insane! And the detransition rate is 13.1% now.
Can you imagine what it will be when all these young kids grow up, hating society for forcing them to transition at such a young age!?
I imagine in 20 years there will be a lot of violence coming from these young “gender” benders directed towards the evil people that transitioned them.
May God have mercy on them all!
So you can call it a coincidence all you want, but you are just denying the reality here:
THE SCIENCE™ Says that “Gender” Bending Leads to More Health Issues
So they are pushing “gender” bending on your children, but is being a “gender” bender healthy?
Well actually, “gender” bending is unhealthy according to THE SCIENCE™.
Firstly, “gender identity disorder” was a mental illness before the APA published the DSM-V in 2013.
It’s still a mental illness, but people have become too politically correct to admit this truth.
“Gender” benders also account for a disproportionate amount of HIV/AIDS cases, despite being such a small minority.
Not only do “gender” benders have a much higher rate of HIV/AIDS, but they also have a higher rate of getting other STDs.
One reason could be that “gender” benders disproportionately work as prostitutes.
For instance, 90% of “gender” benders in Brazil are prostitutes!
“Gender” benders also have high rates of cardiovascular disease and lung cancer.
And to top it off, hormone therapy increases risks of blood clots, high blood pressure, and other health issues.
THE SCIENCE™ Says that “Gender” Bending Leads to More Unhappiness
“Gender” benders are unhappy according to THE SCIENCE™.
Firstly, the actual and attempted suicide rate among “gender” benders is significantly higher than heterosexuals and even unrepentant homosexuals!

Do happy people attempt or successfully commit suicide? No, they do not.
Secondly, “gender” benders are more likely to live a significantly shorter life than heterosexuals – about 30 to 32 years.
Do happy and healthy people die, on average, in their early 30s? No, that would be absurd.
These people are dying much younger, even without AIDS, which means they are not happy and healthy.
Thirdly, substance abuse of nicotine, alcohol and drugs is higher in “gender” benders.
Fourthly, “gender” benders have higher rates of mental illness than heterosexuals.
Fifthly, “gender” benders tend to experience more domestic violence, on average, than heterosexual people.
Thus, it should come as no surprise that “gender” benders are not as happy as heterosexuals:

Now, before I continue, I know a lot of you are going to say, “But the reason ‘gender’ benders are so miserable is because of all the hateful, abusive transphobes LIKE YOU!!!”
You act like the World hasn’t accepted you. However, it has.
You are allowed to have “Trans Pride Parades.”
Christians and non-Christian Heterosexuals don’t have parades in many Western countries.
We would be falsely persecuted as being “bigoted” if we did, and then get canceled, doxed and fired.
We are silenced because, according to you, we have “Christian/White/Male/Straight Privilege.”
So who is really being persecuted here? We are, not you. And you know it’s true.
You may or may not have been bullied, and it’s a shame if you were, but we are bullied – BY YOU!
In conclusion, THE SCIENCE™ clearly says that “gender” benders live an objectively worse quality of life than heterosexuals.
The Genesis of “Gender”
But where did all this nonsense begin?
It was almost unheard of to refer to a person’s “gender” before the mid 20th century.
Dr. J. Richard Udry, referencing the International Bibliography of Research in Marriage and the Family, 1900-1964 (Aldous and Hill 1967) writes:
In a comprehensive bibliography of 12,000 titles for marriage and family literature from 1900 to 1964, gender does not appear once.
The Nature of Gender
Dr. David Haig writes:
More than 30 million titles of “academic” articles, from the years 1945–2001, were surveyed for occurrences of the words sex and gender. At the beginning of this period, uses of gender were much rarer than uses of sex, and often used in the sense of a grammatical category. By the end of this period, uses of gender outnumbered uses of sex in the social sciences, arts, and humanities. Within the natural sciences, there was now more than 1 use of gender for every 2 uses of sex…However, the major expansion in the use of gender followed its adoption by feminists to distinguish the social and cultural aspects of differences between men and women (gender) from biological differences (sex). Since then, the use of gender has tended to expand to encompass the biological, and a sex/gender distinction is now only fitfully observed.
The Inexorable Rise of Gender and the Decline of Sex: Social Change in Academic Titles, 1945–2001
So in the following sections, we will go over how the enemies of Truth created and weaponized “gender”.

Madison Bentley
Isaac Madison Bentley was the first person to use the term “gender” for sex roles.
In 1945 Bentley writes:
In the grade-school years, too, gender (which is the socialized obverse of sex) is a fixed line of demarcation, the qualifying terms being ‘feminine’ and ‘masculine’. Many matters in grouping, playing, exercising, reciting, and the like, separate the boys from the girls. That these are social matters of gender may be demonstrated by a reference across to the domestic animals, where there is sex but no gender, sex which has its occasional demonstrations and signals but exerts little other influence upon the cattle, the horses, the cats and the chickens. There can be no doubt that the gendering of the younger child sets a definite stamp upon it and distinctly contributes to its general socialization.
Sanity and Hazard in Childhood
However, he missed something big.
Sex, as we know, is biological. We cannot change our X and Y chromosomes.
But social roles are not always necessarily immutable (like your job, for instance).
However, sex roles are completely contingent on immutable biological sex.
Even the domestic animals that Bentley refers to have sex roles inherent to their nature!
For instance, non-neutered male dogs tend to be more dominant and females tend to be more submissive.
This is because their sex roles are inherent to their nature and completely contingent on their biological sex.
So how can you change something that is completely contingent on an immutable thing?
You can’t.
Someone may rebut by saying “well some men may be naturally more effeminate.”
This doesn’t rebut my point.
Just because a man is naturally deficient in masculinity doesn’t make them the opposite.
It just means they are deficient and need to play their “bad hand” the best that they can.
Simone de Beauvoir
I have written about pedophilia defender Simone de Beauvoir before when discussing feminism.
In 1949 she writes:
One is not born, but rather becomes, woman. No biological, psychic, or economic destiny defines the figure that the human female takes on in society; it is civilization as a whole that elaborates this intermediary product between the male and the eunuch that is called feminine.
The Second Sex
This is key in understanding both the errors of feminism and “gender theory”.
Simone de Beauvoir literally claimed that you can become whatever sex you want.
We all know that feminists are bitter women that are covetous of the role of men.
And Simone de Beauvoir created the lie that they and “gender theorists” perpetuate to the present day.
Simone de Beauvoir took her lover Sartre’s idea of existentialism and applied it to the sexes.
“Existence precedes essence” is the underlying argument of existentialism.
In other words, your existence comes before your fundamental nature. This is, of course, preposterous.
Let me explain: In the correct understanding of things, essence precedes existence, or they happen simultaneously.
In the example of a chair, someone conceived of a chair before they built it out of wood.
The chair’s essence preceded its existence.
In another example, my essence as a human occurred at the same time of my existence.
I certainly didn’t exist before I became human. That would be crazy talk!
Likewise, my sex came into being when I came into being.
Nobody knew what sex I would be before I existed.
And my XY chromosomes didn’t arrange themselves after I existed.
Conception created us and immediately determined our chromosomes.
Our sexual existence and essence were simultaneous. Thus, Simone de Beauvoir’s theory is ridiculous.
John Money
The man often credited with creating “gender theory” is pedophilia defender John Money.
In 1955 Money writes:
The term gender role is used to signify all those things that a person says or does to disclose himself or herself as having the status of boy or man, girl or woman, respectively. It includes, but is not restricted to sexuality in the sense of eroticism.
Hermaphroditism, gender and precocity in hyperadrenocorticism: Psychologic findings
We have to contextualize this quote: Money was talking about hermaphrodites here.
Hermaphrodites make up only about 0.018% of the entire human population.
If someone is of the very rare condition to not be either sex, then of course nurture would play a bigger impact on their social role, since their nature is ambiguous.
But that doesn’t necessarily follow that this is true for the rest of the 99.982% of the population!
Moreover, the accuracy is no where near 100% for determining one’s sex role for a hermaphrodite.
Money’s study had about 82% of the hermaphrodites in concordant with their assigned sex role.
A more recent study showed satisfaction in assigned sex role in about 75% of hermaphrodites.
What about the other 25%? Well, they are extremely unhappy with their assigned sex role.
This is likely because the doctors and parents guessed wrong, and even though their sex was ambiguous, nature trumps nurture.
One of the biggest proofs of nature trumping nurture is Money’s most famous case.
Money reassigned a boy named Bruce Reimer to “Brenda” after a botched circumcision.
Money also sexually abused “Brenda” and his twin brother.
“Brenda” later reverted back to a man when he was 14.
Both he and his brother committed suicide in their 30s.
And this was the breakthrough case that Money used to promote “gender theory.”
It was all a lie.
…And Then Came the Feminists
As I argued before, the feminists in the sexual revolution further weaponized “gender theory” to usurp the sexual roles of men.
The rest, as they say, is history.
The feminists confused “gender roles” so badly that now men and women think they can actually be the opposite sex.
The Christian View of “Gender”
So now that we have proven that “gender” is a lie and that people that buy into this lie suffer, what is the Christian position?
The Bible says:
And God created man to his own image: to the image of God he created him: male and female he created them.
Genesis 1:27
He created them male and female; and blessed them: and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.
Genesis 5:2
And Christ says:
Have ye not read, that he who made man from the beginning, made them male and female?
Matthew 19:4
Again, God created two sexes, and literally programmed our essence into our DNA. The Bible also says:
A woman shall not be clothed with man’s apparel, neither shall a man use woman’s apparel: for he that doeth these things is abominable before God.
Deuteronomy 22:5
So in other words, don’t try to be the sex that God didn’t create you as. It’s an abomination.
Moreover, the Bible says:
An eunuch, whose testicles are broken or cut away, or yard cut off, shall not enter into the church of the Lord.
Deuteronomy 23:1
Don’t mutilate or cut your genitals if you are a Christian.
Finally, St. Paul says:
Know you not that the unjust shall not possess the kingdom of God? Do not err: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, Nor the effeminate, nor liers with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor railers, nor extortioners, shall possess the kingdom of God.
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
“Effeminate” could be either an unrepentant homosexual or a “gender” bender.
Neither will enter the Kingdom of Heaven if they do not repent before death.
Obviously, the Bible is pretty clear on condemning “gender” bendering, just like is has been clear on the GayQ.
“Gender” is Fake, Biological Sex is Real, Get Used to It
If anyone asks me my “gender” moving forward, I will tell them that I don’t identify as any “gender,” since there is no such thing.
Let me conclude with this: I want all of these “gender” benders to go to Heaven.
Wanting someone to go to Heaven is the ultimate form of love for anyone.
And to go to Heaven, they need to stop their sinning! Also, their sinning is leading to torment on Earth!
So any “gender” benders I implore you to stop. Seek help.
To everyone else: Please stop enabling these “gender” benders!
“Gender” benders are basically adults that are LARPing as something they aren’t.
And instead of gently asking them to seek help, we are just enabling their mental illness!
This doesn’t help them get over their mental illness at all.
And certainly do not let children get mutilated because they are pretending to be the opposite sex, and you have no common sense!
That’s just repulsive! We have to fight for the well-being of our children!
Even if it means being politically incorrect.
God bless, and may He have mercy on all of us!
