What is a Catholic State?
Table of Contents
Welcome to The Catholic State!
In our modern times it’s hard to imagine any government other than a progressive democracy ruled by what seems to be the whims of the lowest common denominator or the big bad boogeyman of a foreign dictatorship that feasts on the blood, sweat, tears and suffering of all of its humble, unfortunate citizens, and there seems to be nothing in between. I propose an alternative. That is to say, I propose the Catholic State.
The Catholic State is the solution to the ills of democracy, liberalism, milquetoast conservatism, communism, capitalism and all of the other failed “isms.”
Democracy or Mob Rule?
The United States pushes democracy as the solution to all the worlds ills.
But what is democracy?
People coming together to will the greater good.
Or so they say…
Yet democracy has shown itself to be nothing more than the rule of an angry mob that imposes tyranny instead of justice.

In his book On Kingship to the King of Cyprus, De Regno, St. Thomas Aquinas says this:
If, finally, the bad government is carried on by the multitude, it is called a democracy, i.e. control by the populace, which comes about when the plebeian people by force of numbers oppress the rich. In this way the whole people will be as one tyrant.
De Regno
Are you a Demoncrat or Republicant?
Likewise, the United States reduces everyone to the binary labels of either Democrat or Republican.
Without a doubt, our government and mainstream media reduces everything to these two sides.
Therefore, you must choose between the bad or the worse of the two options, or just opt out completely.
If neither of those sides make sense to you, then you will inevitably be stuck in a perpetual juggling exercise until one of the balls hits you in the face.
Unfortunately, the “ball” of progressive liberalism is unceremoniously hitting a lot of us in the face.

In his encyclical criticizing liberalism, Libertas, Pope Leo XIII writes:
Hence, these followers of liberalism deny the existence of any divine authority to which obedience is due, and proclaim that every man is the law to himself; from which arises that ethical system which they style independent morality, and which, under the guise of liberty, exonerates man from any obedience to the commands of God, and substitutes a boundless license.
Moreover, the conservative “ball” is falling on the ground fast and hard.

Catholicism is the conservative faith.
However, in these times conservatism has become milquetoast.
Modern “cuckservatism” fails to do anything useful.
A radical return to Tradition is necessary.
Communism vs. Capitalism
Likewise, when it comes to economics, Americans almost ubiquitously criticize Communism (and deservedly so) but laud Capitalism.
Communism is the economic system where everyone gets to lose.

Of course, the Catholic Church has placed an automatic excommunication against anyone who openly declares themselves a Communist:
If Christians declare openly the materialist and antichristian doctrine of the communists, and, mainly, if they defend it or promulgate it, “ipso facto”, do they incur in excommunication (“speciali modo”) reserved to the Apostolic See?
Pope Pius XII, Decree Against Communism
Capitalism has given us an increasingly divided society, where the rich elites are getting richer, and everyone else is getting poorer.
It is like the reverse Robinhood – Steal from the poor and give to the rich.

In his encyclical Rerum Novarum, Pope Leo XIII writes:
Hence, by degrees it has come to pass that working men have been surrendered, isolated and helpless, to the hardheartedness of employers and the greed of unchecked competition. The mischief has been increased by rapacious usury, which, although more than once condemned by the Church, is nevertheless, under a different guise, but with like injustice, still practiced by covetous and grasping men. To this must be added that the hiring of labor and the conduct of trade are concentrated in the hands of comparatively few; so that a small number of very rich men have been able to lay upon the teeming masses of the laboring poor a yoke little better than that of slavery itself.
Rerum Novarum
The Solution is The Catholic State
We are experiencing the failures of modern society.
Democracy has failed.
Liberalism has failed.
Conservatism has failed.
Communism has failed.
Capitalism has failed.
The American Dream has failed.
Most certainly, our country is spiraling quickly down the drain.
We need to find a solution.
We need to find a solution fast.
What’s the solution?
The solution is The Catholic State.
To sum up, we need to put God first, in our public life, not just our private lives.
Putting God first as the King of our country will bring us back to a well-ordered, mostly peaceful, less divisive and better functioning society.
In this site, we will go through the different errors of our modern society.
Then show how each of these errors leads to more suffering.
We will also come up with solutions on how to move away from these errors and towards a society that acknowledges Christ as the King.
It’s only once we recognize that Christ is King, and submit to His reign over our nation, will we be truly able to have a good life, be liberated, and pursue happiness.
“When once men recognize, both in private and in public life, that Christ is King, society will at last receive the great blessings of real liberty, well-ordered discipline, peace and harmony.”
Pope Pius XI, Quas Primas